RepoView: PostgreSQL PGDG 10 Updates RPMs

THB 0.00

pgdg The repository is to be added: echo deb pubreposapt `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main sudo tee etcapt d 3

G-PGDG GPGDG pgdg RepoView: PostgreSQL PGDG 10 Updates RPMs pgdg It's split across two lines, and shouldn't be The jammy-pgdg main should be immediately after the apt then a

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pgdg The repository is to be added: echo deb pubreposapt `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main sudo tee etcapt d 3

pgdg slot G-PGDG GPGDG

RepoView: PostgreSQL PGDG 10 Updates RPMs pgdg It's split across two lines, and shouldn't be The jammy-pgdg main should be immediately after the apt then a