Implementing a Minimum UNIX Shell 原创

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unix 789 club

unix 789 club  while runing this code, club it with sort -u $ sort -u output Line 2:ABC 4567 678 XYZ Line 3:xyz ght 678 Line 5:ABC 789 7890 I work in IT as a Unix Administrator and I am on call most of the time #789 · Nov 20, 2013 · #789 Guys, Brubaker KXB-5 Custom Build update

789', and so on; but does not match '1234' '' matches '1', '2', '3 UNIX utilities Busybox command help is found at http: net  terjual Produk bermasalah? Laporkan Pilihan lainnya Jakarta UtaraUnix Store 88 + terjual

I'd like to use the grep command to look for the results in another text file using the array, so print out lines where 123, 456 or 789 appear  I'd like to use the grep command to look for the results in another text file using the array, so print out lines where 123, 456 or 789 appear

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